So, there was this guy, Alex. He was my sister's boyfriend at the time, and we all thought he was a total tool, but my sister was really into him. They had been dating for a few months, and things seemed to be going well for them. But, to be honest, I never really liked him that much. I thought he was kind of boring and annoying, and I was glad when my sister and I would hang out and leave him behind.
One night, my sister and her friends were out at this party, and Alex was stuck at home watching TV or something. I was bored, and I was looking for something to do, so I ended up going downstairs to the living room. Alex was sitting on the couch, staring at the TV with this completely blank expression on his face. I thought he looked pretty pathetic, to be honest. As I walked into the room, he looked up and saw me. He smiled awkwardly and said something like, "Hey, Olivia." I just rolled my eyes and said, "Hey, Alex." We didn't really talk much after that, but I could tell he was trying to be friendly. I ended up going upstairs to my room, but then I heard Alex talking to himself in the living room. He was saying something like, "What am I doing with my life?" or something like that. It was pretty pathetic, and I just couldn't help myself. I snuck back downstairs and started listening to what he was saying. He was talking about how much he hated his job and how he felt trapped in his relationship with my sister. He was going on and on about how he felt like he was just going through the motions and not really living his life. I was pretty surprised by how much he was venting to himself, and I have to admit, I was a little intrigued.
As I was listening, I started to feel a little bad for him. I mean, he was kind of an idiot, but he didn't deserve to be treated like that. So, I decided to try and cheer him up. I went over to the couch and sat down next to him. I put my hand on his shoulder and said, "Hey, you know, it's not that bad. You've got a great girlfriend, and you're young. You've got plenty of time to figure things out." He turned to look at me, and there was this weird look in his eye. It was almost like he didn't recognize me. And then, before I knew it, he leaned in and kissed me. I was totally taken aback by the whole thing. I pulled away from him and said, "What are you doing?!" But he just kept going. He grabbed my hand and led me upstairs to my room. Once we were inside, he pushed me against the wall and started kissing me again. I was really confused and scared, but I also kind of wanted to see where this was going. We ended up making out on my bed for a while. Things were getting pretty hot and heavy, and before I knew it, we were taking off our clothes. I guess I should mention that neither of us had any protection on us. We were both just too caught up in the moment.
Alex was really aggressive, and I was starting to get a little freaked out by it. But then, he stopped suddenly and pulled away from me. He looked at me with this guilty expression on his face and said, "Oh god, I'm sorry. I shouldn't be doing this." And then, just like that, he got dressed and left my room without another word. I was left there feeling confused, embarrassed, and more than a little bit concerned about what I had just done. I mean, I knew it wasn't right, but at the same time, I couldn't deny the fact that I had enjoyed it. And now, I was left to deal with the aftermath. I tried to brush it off and act like nothing had happened, but it was hard. I kept thinking about Alex and what we had done. I couldn't shake the feeling that I had betrayed my sister in some way.
Just then, I heard a knock at the door. It was my sister.