TITLE: Quick Gondola Ride
LOCATION: ericDTastic
AGE: 22 - 30
VOTES: 989
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It was middle of the season and I was waiting for the last few groups to return from lessons. I checked the list to see who was left my heart jump and Lauren was on the list. I have have had a crush on her since she came out to instruct a few weeks ago.

I made chatted to the head instructor while keeping an eye on the slope behind them. After a few mins I see their group come in, my heart quickens and quickly behind them Lauren pulls in to view. Graceful as ever they pull into the meeting area, then waving off their group before turning to come check out with the head instructor. We lock eyes after they acknowledge the head instructor and she smiles and I in return. Sadly moments before we could chat one of my coordinators comes up asking for me my attention and even though in my head I’m screaming -fuck off- I turn to them to deal with their queries. I try clocking Lauren out of the corner of my eye but no luck and by the time I finished and turned to say hi Lauren was gone. Bit sad that I missed a chance for a chat but there is always another day, I said my good buys to head instructor and made my way to the gondola to head down and help close up the ski hire for the day.

Hoping the back of the queue I watched all the groups get bundled into the cabs and head off, being a staff member I usually get to ride by my self down, kind of a perk. Waiting for the bulk of the groups to clear my phone vibrates, checking it I see there is an air drop request. Confused, I go to cancel it thinking someone did it to me by mistake I notice the id with the request says: Lauren’s phone. I stop a second, my body getting all flushed and start to shake a little. I accept and watch the loading circle complete and be presented with an image.

The image was of the snowy floor and Snapchat like text saying ‘Sorry I missed you at handover, hope this makes up for it. Let me know what you think, 07xxxxxxxxx’. Once my head caught up to my body, it dawns on me that they didn’t have my number so this would be only way to get it to me without telling me. Also realising that it was an air drop, I quickly looked around hoping to see her but nothing. Being close to the cabs I think they are just ahead and got the message out before they left the station.

Giddy that they have shared their number so I can message them and my mind was about to kick into over drive, when I notice at the end of the text there was a right arrow emoji. Didn’t notice two images download but no harm in checking, I swipe to the next image. My eyes widen and my mouth gawks as what comes into view was not what I was expecting and now fully understand what they meant by hope this makes up for it.

Walking forward now in auto pilot trying to process what I was seeing, Lauren standing looking into mirror in her instructor salopettes and only her salopettes, straps coming down over her nipples with her firm looking breasts curved either side. Toned midriff lit by some nice lamp off to the side, hair still up and face off to side. Hot and tasteful, at this point I’m so glad that I was wearing loose salopettes myself as the boner that was fully in flow would be hidden.

I enter the cab, instinctively waving to the staff and sit down, eyes fixed on the image. So focused I didn’t notice another sit opposite me and to be honest I could care as my next though is how do I respond to this, should I be coy or cheeky or possibly cool and aloof. Mind going and starting to overthink when I’m snapped back to reality when a familiar voice says, “it’s rude to leave a girl on read”. I look up and are met with the green eyes, the same green eye of Lauren.

My face beams red and I stutter out, “Hey… sorry what did you say?”. They smile back and motion towards my phone, “Taking it made up for it”’ blushing her self a little but staying confident as always. “Oh, em,” looking down becoming conscious of how red I am, “yeah yeah, I.. how could it not”. I tail off being both happy and cringe in this moment. There is a soft giggle and then a pause, “Hmmm, I don’t believe you.” They tease, “show me”. My heart gets louder in my ears, thinking they just want me to look at em when I say it so I repeated what said but with some eye contact and bit more confidence. Lauren smiles and leans in a bit, “show me I said” motioning towards where my phone was resting. Before I could wonder what they ment, they followed up with “salopettes can hide a mount of sins” punctuating with a sly grin, “don’t be shy, only us and it’s only fair”.

I hesitate at first then start to undo the front of my salopettes, “keep going” they encourage. I in clip my straps and open the front out revealing my thermals bottoms, showing my erection behind it creating a small bulge against the tight material. “Mmm don’t stop there”, biting her lip a little, not believing what was happening but also not resisting I oblige and slip my thermals down releasing the pressure to my now throbbing cock, springing up feeling the cold air on my slightly wet tip.

“Hehe your welcome” they tease, staring for a moment then slowly move forward to there knees just in front of me and without breaking eye contact with me they take my cock in their hand and gently rub the top with there thumb. “Hmm so wet,” as they gently thumb the precum now covering my head and forskin, “glad I have that effect in on you”. They rock their hips, eye fixed on mine, “feeling is mutual” and without missing beat they break eye contact and take my throbbing tip into their mouth and let out a gasp.

The warmth of her mouth after cold is amazing followed by gentle movements of her mouth and tongue, I feel my eyes roll back and breathing get heavy wondering if this is really happening with only admiring them from afar moments later. I manage to look down at the same hair tied back from picture bobbing in my lap, I feel the urge to hold onto them, connect in this moment but they lifted there head with little bit of saliva and precum on their lips, licking it with wide eyes, “my turn”. Standing they turn lifting their jack and starting to undoing the salopettes, buttons and zip, looking over their shoulder “you mind”. I snap out of it a bit and unclip the back of the straps, “thank you” turning to look forward again. The salopettes go down along with what ever way underneath flashing a bit of skin be that was covered by her jacket sadly, she reached between their legs with one hand and grabbed my shoulder with the other. Then now supported she lowered their self onto my lap guiding me in as I felt bare skin come into contact with my exposed thighs.

As my head slipped inside them I is smooth and all the way as they were as wet as I was. Once they took me in we both gasped and moaned in unison. I couldn’t believe I was now inside Lauren, it felt soo good. We held that position for moment, I lifted my hip a bit to feel them more. Then they started to grid on my lap, feeling me slide in and out a little, I tilted my hips more and trying to time a slight rock with them as they moved. It wasn’t long before they got quicker and a slight bounce, I instinctively put my arms round them to support and wen it was good grid I would pull them into me so I could feel my head slipped between deeper.

They grabbed on of my hands and pulled it up there jacket and round there upper body, if felt so good to touch there bare skin, I let out a moan and deep “fuck”. They responded my pushing more on the grind, for the next few moments we gasped and ground on each other. It was so good, it was then the shuddering of cab as it moved over a support tower that reminded us that we are on a time limit. Lauren grabbed my arm holding her, the one inside now holding one of her breast over her sport bra. In between deep moans and breaths, they demand “You better cum in me before we get to the bottom”. My head started to spin, I manage a deep moaned response, “you su..re”. “Yes baby fill this pussy for me”, their head leans back onto my shoulder. I nod my head and grabbing hold of them more I start to bounce the off my lap.

The adrenaline pulsing through me kicks in and and the desire to cum starts to over take, as I bounce them more and more on me, starting a smacking sound as her bare ass hits my thighs. I can feel my self start to swell inside then as I can feel the surge welling. “Fuck, your cock feel so good, keep going. Bounce on it, fuck… tell me you’re going to feel me up”, Lauren moans head arching back as I am now fully in control of bouncing them off me. “I going fill you up, fuck”, I grunt, “I’m going to fill this…” I moan agin, “fuck you feel so good”. I swell more as the wave is nearly there, “god I can’t feel your close, cum for me. Fill me with that throbbing cock or your” they gasp out.

That was enough to send me over the edge, I gasp and get last few bounces in before I pull them down me hard and lift my hips pushing my self as deep as I could, feeling the wetness drip on my balls, “fuck I’m cumming” I gasp out as they exclaim with me the moment. With that I felt my self pulse and through as I started cumming deep in them. They let me hold them in and sunk into me submitting almost to the moment, panting next me. “Hmm good boy”, they whisper in my ear, rocker their hips a little. I turn looked deep in the eyes and kissed them deeply still holding them but more gently than a moment ago.

As we broke kiss, they got up pulling their salopettes up at the same time. Once zipped and buttoned again they lifted there jacket and without being asked I clicked there straps back and they sat down across from me again. I followed suit, then leant back in the chair, still panting a bit. “I been waiting for you to do that to me all season”, Lauren for the first time blushes. “Me too,” I admit. “Hmm I can tell, they way you were bouncing me at the end there”, their eye flash a deep fuck me. “Can’t wait to see what you do to me with a bit more room and time and I can properly ride you silly”. Even with just orgasming moments ago, I could feel the, I want eyes, come over my face as the tough of that last sentence.

The moment is broken by the shudder of the cab and sudden slowing down that happens when it enters a station. The doors open and Lauren jumps up and as they leave, they turn and say “better text later, mr”. With that she is out and moving to the exit I am a moment later but the groups and staff organising them selves in the station bring me back to earth and I proceed to the ski hire.

Few hours later after sorting out the hire and closing up, I jump into my resort car and head home. Just before leaving the car park I message Lauren say - omg I can’t stop thinking about earlier. So glad you felt the same way I have been crushing on you for ages. Hope I can see you again soon. Not at work that is lol-, messages sends and I’m off.

I’m only miles down the road and my phone goes and the name of the sender pops up on my screen Lauren, first traffic light I lift up my phone and open the message - me too, I was such a mess when I got back if you know what I mean. 😉- there also a pic, I tapped to download and the image filled the screen and was of there bare ass slightly bent on their side on hand parting their cheeks a little, with the text banner reading -maybe you can fill the rest of me next time-.

Light changed and I drove off home thinking, it’s going to be a good season.