My office was down a long hallway at the back of our building. It was the second one to the end of the hall. The very last office had been unoccupied for some time and was being used to store empty boxes.
All of the offices had their doors removed well before I started working there. They had desks built into the walls and weren't very large. Maybe 12 x 12 feet. They were essentially glorified cubicles, but I was happy to have a space I could call mine. I kept it neat and occasionally put up pictures of places I had traveled or a funny meme.
One Wednesday morning I came in to work to find the office beside mine, the last one the hall, occupied. I leaned down the hall slightly to see if I could see who it was, but I couldn't really make out more than a leg and a shoulder. It looked like a female leg at least. I decided that, eventually, we'd meet and I shouldn't pry on their first day. So I sat down, turned on my computer, put on my headphones, and started my work day.
It was only about 5 minutes later that I heard a knock on the doorframe of my office. I spun around in my chair to find a short, long haired, redheaded woman standing there. She looked to be in her early twenties, just slightly overweight, and had a cute face. She had an even more gorgeous smile. But, in my opinion, she had too much makeup on. She was wearing tight jeans, flip-flops, and a tight v-neck shirt that showed off her cleavage a bit. She had great tits. Large enough for you to tit fuck without a doubt.
"Hi there! My name's Jennifer. I was hired to help with some accounting work. What do you do here?"
I introduced myself and told her all about my IT job and what I did at our various locations. Soon we started talking about college and she admitted that she hadn't finished school because she got married and decided to put school on hold for a bit.
"Well.....I'm not sure how much longer you have.....but.....if you don't finish now, it's gonna only get harder as you get older. Trust me on that." I said.
"Yeah you're probably right. I need to get serious about it I guess", she confessed.
I immediately felt bad. "I didn't mean to lecture or sound like your dad. It's just that I waited longer than I should and working a full time job while going to school is proving harder than I expected."
Jennifer and I got along well but I found her too talkative for me to really want to be friends with. She was also married and I tried hard not to get too friendly with married women so nothing would ever happen between us because often did unintentionally. Occasionally her and I would have lunch together in the break room, but that was pretty much the extent of our relationship.
A week later, I came into work and overheard Jennifer talking to her husband on the phone. Initially I decided not to eavesdrop, but I could hear Jennifer getting upset. She began to cry and I hated hearing the sound of a woman crying. I could hear her husband yelling at her through the phone. Sounded like he was calling her names. She apologized over and over and then hung up and sobbed with her head on her desk.
A minute of so passed and I decided to check on her. " just want to check and see if you're alright. I heard you crying. Can I get you anything? Do you need to go home?"
I had no desire to really know the details of their conversation, I simply wanted to be friendly and make sure she was capable of working.
"My husband thinks I'm a fucking moron. He just told me so" she said through the gasps as she cried.
"Oh geez. That's pretty shitty for him to say that to you. I'm sorry. Just let me know if you need anything or want to talk" and I tried to inch over to my office before she spilled her guts to me.
"I overdrew our bank account...."
"Here we go..." I thought to myself.
" a lot and he was so mad at me. It was an honest mistake and I didn't realize it at the time. But he was just so mad."
I leaned against the doorframe and crossed my arms and just listened to her rant about her husband. She told me they had only been married for two years and she's never been more unhappy in her entire life.
Eventually she calmed down and I went back to my office and began to work. The rest of the week was filled with me listening to her grievances about her husband and trying to offer advice. On Friday morning, as I was trying my best to give her some advice, when she cut me off and said "I really appreciate you listening to me. You seem like a really nice guy. I feel like I can tell you anything."
"Oh I appreciate that. I'm just trying to help. That's all. I feel bad for you. A nice girl like yourself shouldn't be so upset all the time. Especially only two years into her marriage."
She rolled her eyes and said "Boy was that a mistake. I really regret marrying him but I feel kind of stuck. I definitely can't afford to live on my own and I'm afraid he'd kill me if i told him I wanted a divorce. Like.....literally kill me."
As the weeks rolled on, it seemed like divorce was something that may actually happen. She hadn't worked up the courage to tell him yet, but she warned me that she would soon. Her family lived in another state and it became obvious that she had no friends and didn't know anyone else other than the people in the office and her husband.
One day she decided she'd had enough. "I think I'm gonna tell him tonight. I'm really afraid he's going to hit me."
Without seriously considering what I was saying, I blurted out "If you need somewhere to crash, let me know."
As soon as it came out of my mouth, I immediately regretted it and realized I could possibly have an angry husband banging on my door. What the fuck was I thinking?!? I was really just trying to be nice and helpful at this point. Nothing more.
"Would you mind? I mean really? Can I text you if I need help?"
I decided I'd rather her text me than to hear about a murder on the news. I didn't know her husband but she had told me he had hit her once before. So I just wasn't sure if she would really be in danger but I couldn't live with myself if something happened that I could have helped prevent.
I gave her my number and, after work, told her to just text me if she needed anything if it was an emergency.
Later that night, I was settling in to watch TV and have a beer. It was already pretty late so I assumed she must have either told him uneventfully or she decided not to go through with it. I fell asleep in my arm chair with the TV on and woke up when an annoyingly loud commercial came on. I checked my phone and saw that she had sent me several messages about 30 mins ago.
The first one said: "I told him. I had to leave. I'm driving around town trying to to figure out what to do."
The second one said: "Are you awake? I'm sorry if I woke you up. I don't know what to do."
The third one said "Can I crash at your place for tonight? I hope that's ok. I don't have anywhere to go."
I thought about it for a second and decided it was already pretty late so she'd be here maybe a total of 5 or 6 hours before she left. That's not too long was fine with me. So I scrambled to clean up a bit and made myself look presentable.
After putting on some clothes instead of just my boxers, I sent her a text letting her know I was sorry things didn't go well and she could sleep on my couch. My apartment wasn't far from where she was so I knew when I sent her my address, she'd be there in 5 minutes or so.
I gathered an extra pillow and some blankets for the couch and waited for her to arrive. I really hoped she didn't want to talk all night about what had happened because I was really just wanting to go to bed at that point.
She knocked on my door and I looked out of my window at her. She was wearing short pajama shorts and an old tee shirt. From the looks of it, she wasn't wearing a bra because I could see her nipples through the shirt. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail and she had no makeup on. It seemed like she did, in fact, run out of the house in a rush.
I opened the door and she immediately started crying. As she walked in I patted her on the back and closed the door. Turning to me, she threw her arms around me and hugged me tight as she leaned her head on my chest. I was a little bit surprised at her being so comfortable with me after only knowing me for a few weeks, but I've always been told I was very likeable and easy to get along with.
She sat on the couch and began to tell me what happened. After she calmed down, I told her we could talk about the rest over breakfast in the morning and that she really needed to try to get some rest. She agreed and laid down on the couch.
"If you need anything, just let me know. I'll keep my door cracked open."
"Thank you for just being kind to me" she said. "You're such a nice guy. I really appreciate this."
"Don't worry about it. Just get some rest. I'll see you in the morning."
I took my shirt off, not even considering that she may be looking, and sat down on the edge of the bed to remove my pants. I normally slept in just boxers and didn't think she cared one way or another. I could hear her tossing and turning and checking her phone repeatedly. So much so that it kept me awake for a while.
She got up to use the bathroom and I closed my eyes to try to sleep while there was some quiet.
I must have dozed off for a while because a knock on my door jarred me awake. I rolled over to look at my doorway, and there stood Jennifer leaning against the entrance to my room.
She had taken her shorts off and was wearing pink and white lacy panties. Her tee-shirt was still on and I could tell her nipples were hard through the fabric.
I sat up and said in a very groggy voice, "Hey. Are you ok? Do you need something?"
Without hesitation, she walked over and climbed into my bed and got under the sheets next to me. I was both startled by her and curious what was going on. "Uh.....are you ok?"
"It's a little scary in your living room. I could see people walking past the window......and I was cold too. I thought you probably wouldn't mind if I cuddled up with you. I mean....if it's ok. You were so kind to let me crash here. I just don't want to be weird or anything. I can go back to the couch if you want."
I could tell by her voice, she was after me. Had this entire story been a lie or was she really scared of her husband? I wasn't entirely sure but I was a too tired at the moment to worry about it.
A little shocked, I explained to her "Well....if your husband found out you were in another man's bed, that wouldn't help you out at all would it?"
"He won't find out will he?"
"No I guess not. It's unlikely I'll ever meet him. At least I hope not." I admitted.
There was a dead silent pause between us and I finally rolled over and faced away from her. "You can stay I guess. Goodnight. See you in the morning."
She got comfortable in my bed and let her arm drape over me. Honestly, it was very comfortable having her there. She smelled like candy and was so warm. I soon drifted off to sleep again.
I'm not sure how long I had been sleeping, when I rolled over and put my arm around her, almost not even thinking. With the number of women that had been in my bed, I had just grown accustomed to casually rolling over and getting comfortable with the woman next to me. Except for this time, I didn't mean to do that.
My arm laid across her hip and my hand fell down to her stomach. I could feel the waistband of her panties through the sheets and she rolled over on her side so her ass was lined up with my cock. There was nearly a foot between us and I couldn't help but get a little hard having her so close to me. I could tell she was awake but I wasn't sure how to get out of this position without seeming like I was trying to get away from her. And like I said, I was actually really comfortable with her there. I just didn't want anything to happen between us.....not just yet at least.
She let out a long sigh and wiggled closer to me, her ass was pushing up against my cock. She gasped and froze. I was stunned and slightly embarrassed. After a second or two she spoke up, "Well....hello! I didn't mean to get you riled up."
I laughed, "You didn't. It just happened. I'm so sorry. Maybe I should go sleep on the couch."
"No no!" she said. "Stay. It's ok."
And she turned to me and kissed me on the cheek and rolled over to face me.
She had beautiful green eyes and held my face in her hands so I was looking at her. I smiled at her and she kissed me. I gave in as we kissed and I slowly put my arms around her as we began to make out.
I let my left hand wander down her back and, before long, I was holding her ass while we kissed. She had her right leg propped up around my crotch and she started moving it up and down on my cock as I got harder and harder.
Our kissing went from sweetly making out, to deep and passionate. She took her shirt off and pressed her tits against my chest. I flipped her over on her back and looked at her.
"We don't have to do this, you know? I don't want you to make a mistake you'll regret."
"Shhhh" she said as she put a finger across my lips. "This definitely isn't a mistake."
She slid her hand down my stomach and into my boxers, immediately feeling how hard I was. Her hand felt so good as she jacked me off. I lowered myself to her breast and sucked on her nipples as she spread her legs for me.
Her panties were already damp and I could feel her clit through them. I was hesitant to go further than just fondling her through her underwear, so I focused on her breast and just enjoyed her sighs of pleasure.
"I want you" she said with a breathy exhale.
I grinned a little and said "Oh yeah? How do you want me exactly?"
"Like this...." and she pulled me up to straddle her torso while removing my boxers. They rolled halfway down my thighs and I decided we were gonna do this at that point. I pushed them further down and threw them on the floor.
I found myself naked, sitting on top of her. Without a word, she put my cock between her tits and rubbed it with them. It felt so good that I couldn't resist thrusting into them. She raised her head up and licked the tip of my dick as I pushed forward. I could feel her hands on my ass pulling me closer to her. Eventually I was sitting so close to her that I was simply face fucking her and she didn't seem to want it any other way. She bobbed her head up and down on the mattress, sucking on me so hard. Her right hand held my balls and she rubbed them with her thumb.
Reaching back behind me, I put my left hand into her panties to finger her. She spread her legs wide and welcomed my finger into her wet pussy and let out a soft groan as I went deep inside of her. She was so wet that it could hear my finger plunging into her juicy hole.
This went on for a few minutes and I took my finger out of her to taste her. She watched me lick my finger and smiled as I did. She had almost no taste to her at all, but the smell.....was intoxicating. It was like cotton candy. I rolled off of her and pulled her up on to me and positioned my head between her legs so we could 69. She took my cock back in her mouth and lowered her pussy onto my face.
Her firey bush was trimmed but bright red. Her clit was big and swollen. I immediately sucked on it and flicked it with my tongue. She squirmed and sat up and her mouth dropped open as her breathing intensified. I spread her pussy and lapped up the nectar she was giving me. Her eyes rolled in her head and she began to moan each time my tongue did circles around her clit.
She started to grind on my face and as she held her tits in her hands. My cock was so hard that it began to visibly throb. She leaned back over and took me in her mouth and began deep throating me again. The way she held my balls while she was sucking on me made me want to just cum buckets into her mouth. It was getting me so close to the edge.
Warning her, I told her "If you keep that up, I'm gonna cum all over your face."
"Not yet. Hold that thought" she said.
She got off of me and positioned her self on all fours. Lowering her shoulders and head to the bed, she used her hands to spread her ass wide.
"Fuck me in the ass."
I smiled and said "Really? Are you sure?"
"Just shut up and fuck me in the ass."
Not wasting any time, I lowered my head to her asshole, kissing everything along the way. I started at her pussy and licked up to her ass and kissed her ass cheeks. Admittedly, I would have rather fucked her in the pussy first, but she insisted. I spit as much as I could on my cock and rubbed it around around her asshole until I felt her pushing against me. My dick slipped into her ass and I could feel her holding her breath.
She was silent as I held her hips and pulled myself into her. Her asshole was tight and I could feel her gripping me. She began rubbing her clit while I slowly started fucking her ass. Her moans let me know I was doing everything right.
"Oh God that's it. Pound my ass!" she said loudly as I fucked her harder and harder. She kept rubbing her clit and occasionally fingered herself with her middle and ring fingers on her right hand. I could smell her pussy from behind her and it smelled delicious. I leaned over her to rub her clit for her.
"Right there! Right there! Don't stop!" she said.
I sat up and was crouching over her, fucking her nearly straight down on the bed. Her asshole pulsed and I could tell she was beginning to cum.
She let out a deep, long groan peppered with short high whines and collapsed on the bed. I got to my knees and jumped to the floor as she kicked her legs out and rolled over to look at me.
"I'll be honest.....I wanted you the moment I saw you, but I didn't expect for this to happen. I thought my husband was going to kill me for real tonight."
"Well.....I'm glad he didn't kill you and I'm glad you were able to come over. I didn't mean for this to happen either......but it did. is what it is." I said trying to avoid the conversation from getting too serious. I kind of thought we were done at that point, but she had other plans.
She grabbed my boxers off the floor and wiped off my cock before sucking on it for a few minutes. Leaning her head backwards over the edge of the mattress, she let me fuck her mouth. She kept pulling me deep into her throat and I could feel her gagging. I reached out to finger her pussy and she spread her legs wide for me.
I couldn't take it anymore and needed to be inside her. Still standing beside the bed, I spun her around and lifted her right leg so it was resting on my shoulder. She reached down and guided my cock into her pussy. We both let out a sigh as I penetrated her for the first time. I could already feel her pussy swelling and squeezing me.
She was so wet that each thrust was so loud and juicy. I held her leg with my left arm and spread her right leg apart as far as I could. Her pussy was bright red and beautiful. She reached down and fondled her clit as I gave her short, quick thrusts.
Her left leg hooked around me and she pulled me as close as she could and began thrusting her hips into me with every plunge into her pussy. I was getting so turned on by her looking at me and watching my cock go in and out of her.
She licked her fingers and began to rub her clit rapidly. I was bending over towards her and fucking her as deeply as I could. I let her right leg go and used my hands at her thighs to keep them apart. She was moaning loudly now. Her hands were cupped around her breast as I used my thumb to rub her clit.
Again, she began to cum and released another long groan. Her pussy squeezed me and throbbed and pushed on my cock while one eye closed and the other eye rolled backwards in her head. She quickly regained control of her body and softly said "Cum for me. Cum in my mouth."
It was my favorite thing to do. Cumming in a woman's mouth was quite possibly the best feeling in the world to me. So just her mentioning it was enough to push me over the edge. I pulled my cock out of her and she rushed to the floor and held her head back as she grabbed my shaft with her right hand and began stroking me.
I started to moan very deeply and she wrapped her lips around the tip of my dick as my cum shot onto her tongue. She kept stroking me as she moved my cock all over her face, letting me cover her chin and lips. I was pumping cum out all over her and she took me back in her mouth as she reached up and cupped my balls with her right hand. She squeezed them and felt my pulsing begin to subside.
Looking up at me, she smiled and began scraping the cum from her face into her mouth. She gently licked the drops from my balls and all the way up my shaft before slowly sucking on me again. "You keep that up, I'm going to have to fuck your face again" I told her sternly.
"Maybe I want you to....."
I laughed and pulled her up to her feet and gave her a hug. We held each other for a few moments and she finally broke the silence.
"I wish I was married to a man like you."
Really not sure what to say, I kept silent and just continued to hold her. Finally I tried to comfort her and told her I hoped things would get better for her soon. We laid back down in bed and I kissed her cheek as a few tears ran down her face. The last thing she said was "What am I going to do???"
We held each other naked for the rest of the night. I had planned on making her a nice breakfast in the morning. I had it all planned out. But for now, we both needed to rest.
In the morning, she was gone. At some point I had rolled off of her and back to my side of the bed. She had straightened the covers and pillow on her side. All of her clothes had been picked up off the floor. Mine were folded nearly on my dresser. I looked out the window and didn't see her in the parking lot.
I walked back in the bedroom and found a note on the beside table on her side. It said "Thank you for everything and just being there. I don't know what will happen to me but you're an amazing guy. I hope you find the perfect girl one day. Love, Jennifer."
I spent the rest of the day in a fog from what little sleep I did get and wondering if she might show back up. She never did, though.
On Monday, I got to work early and waited for her to come in. She never showed up. I sent her a text. But no reply. I went down the hallway and asked the HR lady if Jennifer was coming in today. She let me know that Jennifer had resigned and said she was moving back to Tennessee to live with her parents. I just nodded my head and smiled. Good for her.
I never saw her again. I never spoke to her again. Never got a text from her or anything. But I still have the note she gave me. I hope that she found happiness and got out of that marriage for good.
In the end, we all deserve to just be happy and to be left alone by the people that make us the most unhappy. Life doesn't work out that way for some. I like to imagine that it did for Jennifer.