TITLE: Fucked A Sexy MILF Repeatedly With Her Husband's Consent
LOCATION: SaltyDog_45 - USA
AGE: 51+
VOTES: 1,196
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Some 15 years ago, I struck up a FWB relationship with Jolene (not her real name), a married woman in her 50s I met through OK Cupid. I already had a long-term thing going on with a married woman named Katie. You can click on my reddit handle to find the many posts about my times with her. Katie still wanted to see me but made it clear that she wanted full latitude to see others, and I felt I had slipped to her backburner. So I went looking for someone else too, with her encouragement.

You probably know how OK Cupid works. You create a profile and can run searches with the criteria you select -- how far away do they live, what are they looking for and so on. In those days they had a category for married people looking for outside lovers. I am not sure they have it now. Remarkably, it was free of charge, even for men. I am not sure how they covered costs.

It did not take long to find Jolene. She lived in a sprawling, pricey retirement community to the north, and had married a much older man; I think he was in his 70s and she was maybe 53, a few years older than I was. They were long-time swingers, but he suffered from erectile dysfunction and was unable to treat it with meds, so allowed her to play solo with other men. He had girlfriends but what all they got up is unknown to me. His only stipulation was that I had to meet Jolene in their home, while he was sitting in an adjacent room. He wanted to make sure that she came to no harm. He did not want to watch; each time I left, he was just sitting in that same chair looking into his computer.

Jolene was a tall, thin brunette from the American west with a glorious smile. Her hair was shoulder-length and wavy. She seemed to like me right way once we swapped messages and wanted to see a pic from me. Here is a confession within a confession: I bear a resemblance to a well-know British singer-songwriter, and had an image on my computer that I would send to new women who wanted a pic. After all, I am married too and don't want my real face pic floating around out there. I had sent it to Katie, and I sent it now to Jolene. Once I sent it to a woman who recognized who it really was and wrote back, WTF? You expect me to believe that you are __? Needless to say, she and I never hooked up. I laugh about this still.

Jolene did not know this singer-songwriter, and when I arrived looked me up and down and said, Yes, that's you all right! The community she and her husband were living in is known to be quite conservative, so naturally she had asked that I park across the street and a little down the road so prying neighbors would not have a clue. As always, I arrived early and cruised the neighborhood a bit, stopping at a convenience store -- they have their very own shopping center here -- for some hydration before heading on over just in time.

Jolene invited me right in and introduced me to her husband. He was sitting at his computer on the far side of the living room, a large man immersed in whatever he was looking at, and just turned his head and said, Hello. That is how he always greeted me ... Hello, RB (I had created a new email account for this adventure and RB was my chosen handle). Then Jolene let me into an adjacent room, with a kind of an oversized cot where we did the our naughty deeds, again and again, there and nowhere else.

I have to say the sex with Jolene was very good, always. She craved sex. She had perky nipples that were very sensitive to kisses licks caresses and pulls. She gave great head and always drew a colored liquid out of a small bottle into her mouth that she used for lube as she sucked me. She would let it dribble out of her mouth up and down my shaft. When I fucked her, she would say yes yes yes yes as she as her orgasm approached. Of course she let me eat her too, but she much preferred to be fucked. We would start out with me eating her, then fucking to mutual organism, and then after a short break she'd suck me off. Then we'd fuck more if i was up to it and we had time. She provided her own condoms and insisted I wear them when I was inside her pussy; but not when I was inside her exquisite mouth. There was nothing not to like about my time; she simply loved sex, and after many long years of practice knew all about it. Anal was not on the menu.

I can't recall exactly how many times we connected: 6? 10? It always happened just as I described it. Her husband was some kind of retired intelligence officer, and I worried that he'd run my fake photo and maybe data from my email header through a search engine and learn everything there was to know about me. They did know I was married. But I guess he never bothered.

Jolene emailed me between sessions often, and she offered a kind of friendship. She told about her trip to another state to meet up with another lover, some guy who drove race cars. She just wished, she wrote me, that he'd spend less time with cars and more time having sex with her. If too much time elapsed between our sessions, she'd write, Oh RB, my nipples crave your touch! Please come see me again, soon, tomorrow if you can! But the truth is I never felt that close to her. Our sessions began to take on the air of tennis matches with a friend, or a jog in the park. There was no real passion. She was also very conservative, which is fine but she started to send me unflattering caricatures of prominent political figures I supported, or she would share racist jokes.

So after a time I broke it off. This happened about the same time Katie and I went our separate way. Of course I told Katie a it about Jolene --What? She asked? Her husband sits in the other room? Even Katie, with all the growing richness of her experience, was surprised at this.

Jolene was sorry I ended it but she and her husband soon moved back to the arid west anyway. As for Katie, well we still had a coupe of unforgettable experiences ahead of us. Those stories are on their way.