TITLE: Filthy Dreams Come True
LOCATION: LittleMissSexBomb - USA
AGE: 22 - 30
VOTES: 448
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My heart was pounding as I typed the text and hit send: “I woke up this morning feeling insanely horny and awash with this overwhelming feeling that I need you to fuck me again.”

Not even 60 seconds later Cian read my text and responded: An immediate, resounding yes.

A smile spread across my face as I realized I was going to get redemption. Cian and I were former coworkers who fucked a single time 5 years ago and it didn’t go how either of us wanted. It’s not that it wasn’t good, because trust me, it was. But those first-time nerves coupled with a time constraint made it so we couldn’t relax or indulge the way we truly wanted to.

I wanted more.

And I always get what I want.

Still, this was a surprise to both of us. Over the years, Cian and I had sort of grown apart, to be honest. At least on a sexual level. Our respective situations just wouldn’t allow it—partners, jobs, kids, moving away and then back again. It all took a toll. I put sex with him so far on the mental back burner that at one time I thought we’d never fuck again. It just didn’t appeal to me.

But see, for over a year now, I had had this building, insatiable need to be worshipped and used by another man. Even men, plural. My partner was a sub at heart, who got me into cuckolding in the first place, so this was his fantasy come true too. We had fantasized about it more and more when we fucked lately, considering even resorting to sex dolls to scratch our itch for a 3rd. But this week, he finally gave me the green light to find someone real.

I had two people in mind for the task. The 1st was woefully and completely unavailable and out of reach to me.

So next was Cian. With his appreciation for the finer things, a clean STI panel, our mutual kinks, and a fat cock… I knew he would be perfect for it. And judging by how fast he replied to my text, he agreed.

He plans to get us one of the nicest hotel suites our city has. If we were going to do this, he was going to make sure we did it right. For one day we are going to pretend that nothing else exists but each other and the luxury of this room. Every fantasy and desire would be indulged. Nothing is off the table.

And then I’ll get go home, thoroughly fucked and dripping cum, to tell my beta boyfriend all about it.

A dream come true.

One of Cian’s texts to me today told me all I need to know about what to expect: “I’m going to revere you like a fucking queen but I’m also going to treat you like a piece of meat who never left my ownership.”


I’ll report back when we make this a reality!