TITLE: Long Weekend At Grandmas
LOCATION: CivilCandy5500 - USA
AGE: 22 - 30
VOTES: 2,198
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Got sent to my grandmas for the weekend as she has recently moved into a retirement home. I’m young and fairly strong so I could be useful to move boxes and furniture. My parents didn’t accompany me as my younger brother is in a soccer championship tournament. Not a very big deal as I’m close and comfortable with my grandma.

Weekend is going by fine, I’m getting her apartment situated with everything where she likes it. It’s hot out and I’ve been sweating pretty good, grandma is keeping me hydrated with water and tea. A few neighbors have come by to introduce themselves. Most of them old women like her.

I also say hi and with most of my grandmas stuff away offer them help if they need anything relocated in their places. One of them eagerly accepted with a grin ear to ear.

The woman, is fairly short, maybe 5’2” but is pear shaped. She has her hair cut short and curly on top and looks par for the course for her age which my guess is 75+, guessing based on my grandmas age. Her place is only a few doors down on the left.

She has a very bright lit apartment with old decor, more vintage looking stuff like a china cabinet and side board. She is very pleasant and has asked if I can swap the side board with the couch on the one wall, and so I get to work.

It’s just me with her as my grandma is putting some smaller things away. This other woman I’m helping is Joan. Joan has gone into another room for a minutes while I was sliding the couch off the wall. I can hear her step back in as I move to the side board.

That’s when I noticed she had changed her shirt. Something tighter and I couldn’t reallly tell how defined her breasts were and now they were bulging in this top. Still smiling away she starts thanking me and compliments my strength.

Let me know if you want to know what happens next.