TITLE: You're Gonna Have To Meet Mom
LOCATION: Individual-System180 - USA
AGE: 22 - 30
VOTES: 5,394
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Whether or not anyone who reads this believes it, this is in fact a true story.

It all started when I got a match on Tinder with a girl nearby and close to my age (25), we’ll call her Brittney. My Tinder bio was pretty straightforward about what I was looking for which was a fwb relationship with someone, I wasn’t looking for a romantic relationship at all.

Well after a bit of chatting we came to find that we were both looking for the same thing; someone chill to hang and bang with. We got to know each other a bit through chatting and after a couple of weeks or so we decided we should finally meet up. Brittney invited me over to her house so we could meet and get to know each other. I eagerly agreed but she told me there was just one thing for me to know; her mom would be home.

I knew she lived at home with her mom as she had told me during our chatting. I was a bit disappointed as I thought we might be able to finally act on all the sexting we had done for the past few weeks, but I still wanted to meet her. I told her it was no problem and that I was good with meeting moms (older, single women usually don’t mind some light flirting from someone much younger iykwim😉).

So the day finally comes and I head to the address Brittney sent me that morning. I arrive at the house and knock on the door and after only a moment Brittney answers. She’s an absolutely gorgeous brunette with blue eyes and a cute front tooth gap. She’s about 5’6 and maybe a bit on the bbw side but with curves in all the right places. She immediately squeals and gives me a huge hug basically jumping into my arms. She leads me inside into her living room, where her mom is sitting in a recliner chair.

Brittney introduces me and I say something to the effect of “nice to meet you, you have a lovely house” or some other platitude. She returns the gesture, just being polite and this is where I decide I’m gonna try to win her good graces. I said “I can see where Brittney gets her good looks”, I know it’s super corny and overplayed but I wasn’t really putting much effort into the interaction.

Fortunately she reacted positively, smiling and blushing slightly and saying something like “we’ve always had good genes”, she definitely mentioned “genes”. Again, wasn’t putting much effort into the conversation so I don’t remember exactly what she said but I suppose I should have been paying more attention because without thinking I replied “Well I certainly wouldn’t mind being in those jeans”. As soon as I said it I knew it went too far but to my surprise the mom just laughed and said “maybe if you’re lucky!” We all laughed a moment (mine was mostly nervous laughter at this point) and then Brittney told her mom that we were going downstairs.

Brittney’s bedroom was in the basement of her house. It was a finished basement obviously and a pretty cool room. She shut the door to the basement behind us. We hung out in her room for a bit and talked and got to know each other. Before long we were making out and she ended up blowing me. After a few hours I said I had to leave so we made plans to meet again and I got ready to go. She walked me upstairs and out the door, her mom had left at some point. So I headed home happy, satisfied and something to look forward to.

A few days go by and Brittney invites me over again, but says again that her mom will be home. No problem, her mom seemed to like me. So I head over and meet Brittney at the door. Again she leads me in and again her mom is sitting in her chair. Knowing I can get away with being a bit more playful I greet her warmly with a “HEY! What’s up mom?!?” She laughed and said “hey __”. Brittney said we were gonna head downstairs and so down we go.

Just like last time we start by talking, then making out, then clothes start coming off. We’re getting hot and heavy and she asks if I brought protection (obviously I did). I said yes, but then had a thought… her mom is upstairs… and she didn’t close the door this time. I tell her maybe we should reconsider given these circumstances, much to my internal disappointment. However she replied with something I wasn’t expecting at ALL! She said “It’s okay, my mom won’t care”. I was shocked. I must have looked shocked because she quickly followed up with “it’s not like I don’t talk to her, she knows why you’re coming over. I tell my mom everything”. I was still trying to process this along with the fact that I’m naked with a very attractive, also naked, girl on top of me. My smaller head conquered the larger one and I embraced the situation with an attitude of “fuck it”.

Well we start going at it and before long she is riding me hard. I realized how hard she was riding when I realized the bed springs were going crazy. I thought about stopping her to say something only very briefly because just when I was about to say something she started cumming. I knew this because she was getting louder and louder, moaning and praising the act with a chorus of “FUCK YES, I’M CUMMING”. I figured the springs weren’t louder than that so I fell back into my attitude of “fuck it” and did just that. I fucked her every which way I could making her cum multiple times and ending with me taking off the condom and finishing on her huge tits.

As soon as I finished the real world came rushing back and panic mode set in. I just had sex with a girl while her mom is right upstairs with the door OPEN. And it wasn’t quiet, sneaky sex either. We hang out for awhile afterwards and I try to play it cool and act like I didn’t notice. She cleaned up and we just hung out until I had to leave. We both got dressed and I headed upstairs praying her mom would be gone again. Nope. Right there in her chair, hadn’t moved was her mom. We walk in the room and it felt like a million years went by in a second I was so nervous. Brittney greets her mom with a simple “hey” gets one in return.

“Have fun?”

Have fun? Have fun?!?… I couldn’t believe my ears. Obviously she had heard what her daughter and I were doing and she asked if we had fun?!? I was flabbergasted. Brittney just responded with a chipper “uh huh!” Then looked at me to respond too. I choked out a “yep”. Her mom laughed and said “It certainly sounded like it!” For some reason this put me a little at ease. Hearing her acknowledge it and seem to accept it made me calm down and start to feel it was okay. So I said goodbye to Brittney and then said “BYE MOM” on my way out the door and she called back “you can call me Kerry”.

I head home and start chatting with Brittney about what happened and she just keeps telling me her mom was fine with it and they had already talked all about it. Again this put me at ease. So we decide to meet up again. She doesn’t warn me her mon will be home this time I just assume she will be, but at this point I kinda don’t care if she is. So once again I head over. Meet Brittney, exchange pleasantries with Kerry, and head downstairs.

Brittney and I waste no time and start tearing off clothes as soon as we get down the steps. We go do our thing, again loud and proud and end up naked and exhausted laying on her bed. She says she has to go to the bathroom and that she’ll be back. The only bathroom is upstairs. So I grunt in the affirmative and lean forward to watch her get dressed to go upstairs. She just waltzes up the stairs naked. I was stunned… her mom is right upstairs. After a few minutes and a toilet flush she comes skipping downstairs and hops in bed. I must have been looking at her funny because she says “What? She sees me naked all the time! She’s my mom”. Fair enough I suppose, it’s her house, but now I have to go too. I say I’m gonna head up to the bathroom too and start getting dressed. Brittney looks up and says “don’t bother with that, you’re gonna take it right back off”. “What about your mom?” I ask. “She’s seen it all before, you’ll be fine”. I consider this a moment and realize she did just hear us loudly fucking and then seen her naked daughter walk through… and her daughter told me it was fine… “fuck it”.

I walk up those stairs as naked as sin and into the living room where, in that same chair, was Kerry. I tried to just walk through to the bathroom as quick as I could and not to really acknowledge her so I put my head down and just march to the bathroom. Behind the closed door I realize what I had done and felt kind of proud. I figured she didn’t scream or start yelling at me so it must be fine. So I did what I had to do, opened back up the door and walked back into the living room.

This time as I walked through I met Kerry’s gaze and paused where I was just inside the room. “I hope you don’t mind, Brittney said it was fine” I said. She smiled, looked me up and down and said “I don’t mind at all”. I said that was great because I’d just have to take them off again downstairs if I’d gotten dressed. Then she asked “Are you guys having fun down there?” I figured the mystery was gone so I just honestly replied “Yea, your daughter is fantastic!” She nodded in agreement and asked “Are you guys hungry at all? I was just gonna go out to get a burger.” I said I’d ask. I went downstairs and Brittney told me what she wanted. I went back up, still naked and at this point hard again and relayed the order plus mine. She said okay and that she’d leave in a moment and let us know when we got back.

I returned downstairs and just burst out with “YOUR MOM IS AWESOME!” Brittney laughed and agreed and said it was great being so close with her. After relaxing and chilling a bit more Brittney starts getting frisky again and drops down between my legs. She is sucking my cock like it’s her job when we hear footsteps and Kerry calling down “foods here!” I tap Brittney trying to get her to stop but she just keeps going at it. Before long in walks Kerry to see me on her daughter’s bed with my dick in her mouth. I am speechless and mortified but Kerry just walks in, puts a bag on the table and says “it’s here when you’re ready”. Before turning to walk out. Brittney pops my dick out of her mouth, yells “thanks mom!” and then goes right back down.

I blow my load, eat a burger, and then get ready to go. Brittney says that next time I come over she’ll have her mom make her famous cupcakes. This is fantastic. I go home thinking I’ve died and gone to heaven. I have a super hot, dtf chick who lets me come over and dick her down while her mom makes us cupcakes.

It gets better from there too.

I know nobody will believe this is a true story, I get it, it sounds outlandish and fake. But I swear this all really happened and I just wanted to share with someone.