TITLE: Who's Shot Is It?
STORY: So we went to play pool in a 'not so local' pub in Wales. The pool table was in a side room with a security camera mounted in one corner of the room. The monitor was over the public bar where one guy was chatting to the barman as we entered. 'OK', I think, as I ordered two beers and asked if we could play pool. So we went to this little side room and as I put my coin into the slot and set up the pool table I asked Lisa to get the cues, from the barman. She had taken her coat off and went in her blue slightly see-through top. She returned with the cues and declared that she thought the top was more see-through than I had said it was, lol, as the barman kept staring at her chest as he handed Lisa the cues. I told Lisa not to mind and that she probably made his evening. Anyway, after a game and her first drink had been downed I went to the bar. The barman gave me a knowing smile as did his friend sitting at the bar. 'Thanks' I said as I returned to the pool room. As Lisa was more relaxed I got her to do some poses for me as the next game progressed. I reassured her that the camera wouldn't pick up much detail and we could take pics with her back to the camera. She's so game! When we returned the pool cues both men were grinning broadly.
CLUBHOUSE: jason197
AGE: 51+
VOTES: 7,620
Who's Shot Is It? #0
You two are so good together, Lisa and Jason.
Who's Shot Is It? #1
I would love to have a game of stick with you dressed like this. You would win every game ;)
Who's Shot Is It? #2
Perfect position for the psych and pussy distraction. You've done this before ...
Who's Shot Is It? #3
Who's Shot Is It? #4
We can see why the barman was happy handing over the cues. He probably didn't even see your blouse ... LOL
Who's Shot Is It? #5
Excellent skirt too Lisa, it shows off your shapely legs so nicely.
Who's Shot Is It? #6
Who's Shot Is It? #7
Who's Shot Is It? #8
Great pics Lisa and Jason, thanks for sharing your pool fun at the pub with us. I know the Watchers will have lots of compliments to leave you, so go enjoy them ... see you again soon! :-) xxxx