TITLE: 3 MILF Nipple Party
STORY: The guys were in the living room watching the game while the three of us were polishing off our second bottle of wine. Kelly�s husband said it didn�t feel like football season because it is so warm. Then Beth�s husband said, we need a nip in the air so we can see some hard nipples. Ha Ha Ha, they all laughed. So at halftime we invited them in the kitchen for a fun tease. We know we are older than most submitters here, but we thought you might want to watch three mature MILFs having a little �nipple party� with ice cubes. We took turns trying to see how hard we could get each other's nipples. At the end of course we gave them a full show. The guys certainly liked it and the ended up missing most of the second half of the game. He He He
AGE: 41 - 50